São Paulo – Brazil is offering scholarships to foreigners in developing countries interested in attending masters and doctorate courses in the country. The list of eligible nations includes six Arab countries: Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia. Enrolment will remain open until July 29th.
The scholarships are part of the “Student Program – Postgraduate Agreement” (PEC-PG, in the Portuguese acronym), offered by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations, by the Coordination Foundation for Improvement of Higher Education Students (Capes) and by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
To apply, the interested party must not be Brazilian, a son of Brazilians or the holder of a stay visa for Brazil. The candidate must be a fluent Portuguese speaker and have been accepted by a Brazilian Higher Education Institution (IES) recommended by the Capes.
The masters scholarships provide for benefits for up to 24 months, at a maximum monthly value of 1,200 Brazilian reals (US$ 768,320) per month. The doctorate scholarships award a benefit for up 48 months, up to a maximum monthly allowance of 1,800 reals (US$ ), for courses taught in Brazil alone, and 2,000 reals (US$ 1,280) for courses taught partly in Brazil and partly in the student’s country of origin.
The air travel expenses to Brazil will be incurred by the student, whereas the return ticket is paid for by the program. At the end of the study period, the student must obligatorily return to their country of origin. Lodging costs in Brazil will also be paid for by the student.
Applicants will be selected based on their academic training, the quality of their work plan, their scientific performance and letters of recommendation on their work in the chosen field. The results will be announced starting in December this year, and activities will start in March 2012.
For further information on the PEC-PG go to http://www.cnpq.br/editais/ct/2011/docs/pec.pdf
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum