Agência Brasil*
Brasília – In October, Brazilian exports totalled US$ 9.904 billion, while imports reached US$ 6.218 billion, generating a surplus (positive balance) of US$ 3.686 billion in the month. This result was 14.83% lower than the balance obtained in September, but was 22.70% greater than that in the same period last year.
With this, the trade balance (exports minus imports) in the year registers another good performance and contributes to an accumulated balance of US$ 36.350 billion this year – US$ 8.271 billion more than the surplus registered between January and October 2004, with evolution of 29.45% over the US$ 28.079 billion of the period last year.
This year, exports have totalled US$ 96.623 billion, with an increase of 22.1%. Imports grew 18.1%, and totalled US$ 60.273 billion. In the last 12 months (November 2004 to October this year) the trade balance surplus has reached US$ 41.933 billion and exports totalled US$ 113.976 billion.
*Translated by Mark Ament