Agência Brasil*
Brasília – Biofuel projects based on sugarcane farming on irrigated areas in Minas Gerais, Bahia and Piauí are getting closer and closer to implementation.
Today (13) a technical cooperation agreement considering bio-ethanol and biodiesel projects will be signed between the São Francisco and Parnaíba Valley Development Company (Codevasf), the Agricultural Cooperation Company (Campo) and Itochu Corporation.
Codevasf, a company connected to the Ministry of National Integration, is going to supply information about the development of irrigation projects and agricultural data about sugarcane and bio-energy in Brazil.
Campo, in turn, will provide information about the production of bio-energy, including ethanol, and about the cultivation of sugarcane in the Brazilian savannah. The company brings together enterprises specialized in agricultural matters in the country and works on the diversification of cultures, new agrarian models and technical and environmental innovations.
Itochu will supply figures about the alcohol market in Japan and around the world. The signing of the technical cooperation agreement is scheduled for this morning in Brazilian capital Brasília.
*Translated by Mark Ament