São Paulo – The Egypt-based software company Sypron Solutions is participating in Expodireto Cotrijal, the agribusiness industry show running from this Monday (6) to next Friday (10) in Não-Me-Toque, in Brazil’s southernmost state Rio Grande do Sul. The company’s technology director Ahmed Aly is sitting in matchmaking sessions at the event.
Aly told ANBA he hopes to find partners and sell in Brazil. Sypron provides solutions in artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation. Products run the gamut from software intelligent business management to state-of-the-art robotic systems.
As of Tuesday (7), although he hadn’t closed any deals, Ahmed Aly made several contacts at Expodireto Cotrijal. He said he is securing a foothold in Brazil. Aly is taking part in the meetings taking place in the expo’s International Pavilion, which is oriented toward international business, including meetings involving Brazilian and foreign companies.
Over 40 importers are attending Expodireto Cotrijal. There are delegates from 70-plus countries at the event, including importers, ambassadors, etc.; 530 exhibitors are featured over an 84-hectare area. The mott this year is “Business that inspires tomorrow.”
In addition to business executives, Arab ambassadors are participating on Thursday (9). Among other actions, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply is holding an Immersion Program in Brazilian Agribusiness, with 36 diplomats from other countries’ embassies in Brazil, among them Egypt and Tunisia.
According to the Ministry’s International Promotion director Eduardo Sampaio Marques, the goal is to introduce the Brazilian agribusiness industry to a select audience. Past actions have targeted other demographics, such as journalists and Brazilian diplomats. Marques explains that Expodireto Cotrijal is a traditional, highly organized international exhibition. “It’s a demonstration of what agribusiness represents to Brazil,” he claims.
The ambassadors will be at the expo on the same day as Agriculture minister Blairo Maggi. They will take a guided tour and then they’ll have some free time, in addition to meeting the Brazilian minister.
“They can see opportunities that we can’t, sale and purchase opportunities that can be explored,” Marques told ANBA. The goal is to have them witness the diversity of Brazilian agribusiness, since Expodireto exhibitors include everything from inputs manufacturers to machinery and services, and products ranging from grains to dairy.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum