Rio de Janeiro – Brazil’s A-5 electric power auction has outweighed the available installed power generation capacity in the country, with registered projects for new investments designed to generate a combined 47,600 megawatts (MW). So said this Tuesday (20th) Mauricio Tolmasquim, president of the Energy Research Company (EPE). The auction will take place in February 2016 and concerns contracts for delivery of energy in 2021. “It’s the world’s largest auction [in terms of potential bidders], almost 50,000 MW,” Tolmasquim said. “The fact that there are investors willing to spend money on projects means they believe it’s worthwhile to build, and that investors are confident in the industry.”
According to Tolmasquim, 1,055 energy generation projects have been registered at the auction, with a combined capacity equivalent to three hydroelectric power plants the size of Itaipu. The majority of projects are in the states of Bahia and Rio Grande do Norte, whose natural features are conducive to wind power generation. Rio de Janeiro ranks third with natural gas projects. “The electricity industry scenario is good, with a number of investors interested. This is reassuring, it’s very positive,” Tolmasquim added.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum