Marina Sarruf*
São Paulo – "All aims related to Brazilian trade with the Arab countries have been met and surpassed in the last years," stated the president of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCAB), Antonio Sarkis Jr., in the Brazil-Arab Countries Business Meeting, in São Paulo.
According to Sarkis, the exports in the first four months of this year are already above the forecasts, with an increase in 18% in relation to the same period last year. "Maintaining these figures and with this event, which is integrating even more the business community in the two regions, I believe the aim of US$ 15 billion is hard but possible to be reached," he stated.
According to the president, the Brazil-Arab Countries Business Meeting may help in direct exports and imports, in other words, without intermediaries. Currently, the majority of Brazilian products reach the Arab market through other markets.
*Translated by Silvia Lindsey