São Paulo – Brazilian companies participating in the Food Africa fair in Cairo, Egypt, say the event is an opportunity to export to the North African country and access other markets in Africa, Europe, and the Arab world. The companies are taking part in Food Africa, which ends this Thursday (5), at the Halal do Brasil project booth, an initiative spearheaded by the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) to promote Brazil’s halal products abroad. Halal products are those fit for Muslim consumption.
The administrative director of feed manufacturer Danês, Rodrigo Begalli, says the company decided to participate in the fair because Egypt is a strategic country, as it is a “gateway” to Europe and the Middle East. “We realized they are looking for a company with quality, reliability, and the potential to serve them here at competitive prices. That’s what we already have in Brazil and are seeking in the international market,” he says.
Begalli hopes that the credibility the Brazilian agribusiness has already built abroad will be replicated in other sectors, such as the one Danês operates in. The company, based in Apucarana, Paraná state, produces pet food for dogs and cats.
Competitive pricing is also what the director of the Cooperativa Agrícola Mista da Alta Paulista (CAMAP), Evandro Luiz Jurevits, aims to present to clients in Egypt. The largest peanut production cooperative in Brazil, Camap exported to Egypt in the past, but “due to pricing issues,” Jurevits says, business with the country was interrupted. The goal is to resume sales to Egypt, a market the company sees as promising due to its 110 million inhabitants.
More competitiveness in sales to Egypt
Additionally, the free trade agreement between Egypt and Mercosur is expected to help the company become more competitive in the Arab country. Taxes on the product entering the country are expected to be zeroed by 2026. “CAMAP’s goal is to acquire new clients to diversify our buyers and seek new markets to establish partnerships,” says the executive.
Food Africa is one of the largest food and beverage fairs on the African continent. Ten companies are participating in the exhibition at the Halal do Brasil project’s booth, which was visited on Tuesday (3) by the Brazilian ambassador in Cairo, Paulino Franco de Carvalho Neto.
In addition to Danês and CAMAP, the companies participating in the exhibition are Grano Real (granola), Coperaguas (beans), Neoking Foods (meats), DaColônia (sweets), Áurea Internacional (popcorn, beans, and grains), Stefenoni Interagrícola (agricultural commodities), Dassoler (sesame, beans, corn, and soy), and Holen Trading (agricultural commodities).