Brasília – Brazilian exports should total approximately US$ 195 billion this year, US$ 15 billion more than the government’s June forecast, which was US$ 180 billion. The information was supplied today (25th) by the Foreign Trade secretary of the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Welber Barral. He claimed that this year, exports showed "significant recovery" compared with the decline recorded last year, as a result of the world financial crisis.
According to the Foreign Trade secretary, exports to Latin America and the Caribbean grew by 40.5% from January to September. Thus, the region’s share of total Brazilian exports increased to 29.7%.
Exports to countries in the continent had an additional advantage, according to Barral, because 84% of them consisted of manufactured goods – which have greater added value, especially automobiles, boilers, machinery, electric devices, molten iron, steel and meats.
The same does not hold true, for instance, of Asia, the second leading market. As a result of the 31.3% growth rate, Asia had a nearly 30% share of Brazilian exports. However, 72% of what Brazil exports to Asia are basic goods (raw materials and agricultural products), which have low added value.
Out of the US$ 144.929 billion that Brazil sold from January to September, neighbouring countries purchased the equivalent of US$ 34.164 billion (growth of US$ 9.851 billion over the same period of 2009). Asian countries purchased the equivalent of US$ 40.768 billion, or US$ 9.725 billion more.
In terms of importance as traditional markets, there are also the European Union and the United States. Whereas European countries purchased the equivalent of US$ 30.785 billion (growth of 22.7% and a 17.2% share of total Brazilian sales), the United States purchased US$ 14.155 billion (growth of 24.6% and an 8.4% share).
Although at a lower volume, with shipments totalling US$ 3.56 billion, Eastern European countries had the highest percentage increase in purchases of Brazilian products. Exports to the region grew by 41.7% from January to September, compared with the same period of 2009. Sales to the Middle East also had a noteworthy increase, at 35%.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum