Brasília – In an attempt to prevent Brazilian professionals – especially soccer players, dancers, capoeira teachers, barbecue chefs and models – who leave the country seeking opportunities from having unpleasant experiences, a guide book entitled Orientações para o Trabalho no Exterior (Guidelines for Overseas Labour) has been released. The aim is to warn the Brazilians of the hazards of trying one’s luck in foreign countries, and the precautions to be taken.
This Tuesday (29th), the Ministry of Foreign Relations will release the document, which clarifies doubts and makes recommendations. The guide book is part of a set of government actions to fight international human trafficking and protect Brazilian citizens living overseas.
The recommendations include for Brazilians to demand their contracts to be written in Portuguese as well, to have a minimum degree of knowledge of the English language, and to check details concerning lodging, payment, and worker’s rights.
The guide book includes clear recommendations for Brazilians who feel discriminated against or taken advantage of to resort to consulates and embassies. According to the document, the diplomatic representations will help by enabling contact with relatives in Brazil and support from the justice system, if needed.
The document devised by the foreign office (Itamaraty) comprises 35 pages featuring illustrations made by children. The drawings show soccer players wearing the Brazilian national team shirt, dancers and models. The final part of the guide book includes a glossary and useful contacts.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum