Rabat – Handicraft exports from Morocco amounted to MAD 665 million (USD 69.66 million) from January to October, up 18.4% year-on-year, Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP) quoted the Ministry of Tourism, Air Transport, Crafts and Social Economy as reporting this Monday (3).
The category for which foreign sales increased the most was blankets, up 86% and outpacing ceramic (pictured at the top of this story) and stone items, whose exports climbed 61%. Cast iron items exports increased by 51%.
Exports also went up for tin objects (41%), wooden handicraft (33%), costume jewelry (28%), basketry (27%) and rugs (3%).
Ceramic and stone items, traditional clothing and rugs accounted for half of exports, at respectively 21%, 15% and 14%.
Sales to Europe were up 15%, especially to France, Italy and Spain. Other key destinations were Asia, particularly China, the United States, Canada and Arab countries.
Arab countries are the second-biggest market for Moroccan handicraft, trailing Europe. The United States rank third.
Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum