São Paulo – The life of Palestinian refugees Faez Abbas and Salha Nasser is the theme of documentary “Vidas Deslocadas” (Dislocated Lives), by director João Marcelo Gomes. The film, which shows the story of a couple that, after forced to leave their homeland, crossed Iraq and Jordan, rebuilding their lives in Brazil, is included in the 5th Human Rights Cinema Exhibition in South America, which took place in 20 Brazilian capitals up to December 19th.
Originally from Haifa, which is now Israeli territory, the Palestinian couple lived in Iraq when, in 2003, with the US invasion of the country, they had to leave everything and escape to Jordan, where they spent four years living in refugee camp Ruweished. After this period, with the help of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Abbas and Salha came to Brazil and rebuilt their lives in Sapucaia do Sul, 19 kilometres away from Porto Alegre, in Rio Grande do Sul.
It is this story of recovery that the director shows in the 13 minute documentary produced in 2009. After over one year of research and several similar stories to those of the Palestinians currently living in the country, Gomes decided to tell the story of the elderly couple.
"The main reason for the choice is the fact that they lived this situation at such an advanced age," tells the director. "The fact that they were capable of rebuilding their lives in Brazil, so far from everything, from their kids, was what called the greatest attention," he finished off.
The idea of producing a film about refugees came from a friend of the director’s, who works for the UNHCR and who put him in contact with the theme. He recalled that the work changed his vision of refugees. “The image I had was one of a person with no perspectives, but these people have great dignity, they talk to their relatives on the Internet and are educated. They have dreams. I tried to show that because I had a stereotypical view of refugees," he said.
To know the cities and dates in which the documentary will be exhibited, those interested may view site www.cinedireitoshumanos.org.br (in Portuguese). The film is participating in other cinema festivals and, for the time being, is not available on the Internet. A little of the movie, a trailer of “Vidas Deslocadas” may be viewed on page www.grafoaudiovisual.com/movie/vidas-deslocadas/.
*Translated by Mark Ament