Browsing: Brazilians in Dubai

Rio-born Luiz Góes has served for two years as CEO of LYOPAY, a digital payment platform that’s present in 82 countries. Holding a degree in Military Sciences and an MBA in Public Management, the executive has had a successful career in the financial market.

At a seminar held by the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) this Sunday (14) in Dubai, Brazilian business people made clear their intentions to establish partnerships with the UAE in a scenario of greater digital integration and sustainability. Former Brazilian President Michel Temer delivered the keynote address.

Among the Brazilian companies taking part in the Arab Brazilian Chamber mission to the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, some are not yet selling to the region but seek to enter the local market soon. Zoo Flora is getting to know the opportunities in animal nutrition, and JCF Embalagens is in final negotiations to start selling.