São Paulo – The Tunisian government has floated two tenders for purchasing ethanol. One of the tenders (04/2011) is for the purchase of a variety of raw ethanol named “phlegm” (a type of fermentation process). The first batch, of 15,000 Hl (1.5 million litres) should be delivered at once. The other batch, of 30,000 Hl, will be delivered in two instances.
The other tender (05/2011) is also divided in two batches: one is for the purchase of 15,000 Hl of neutral ethanol of vegetable origin in one single shipment, and the other is for the purchase of 6,000 Hl of ethanol, of either vegetable or synthetic origin, to be delivered in one single shipment. The envelopes containing the bids must arrive in Tunis by 05:00 pm next Thursday (2nd).
According to the Tunisian government, the winner will be selected based on the analysis of technical criteria and the prices presented by the bidders. According to the tender notice, “the winning company will be the one that offers the best technical explanation about its product and the best financial advantages based on the sum of tariffs and rights.
After the winning company has been announced and the batches start being delivered, the supplier will not be allowed to make revisions or raise the prices.
To take part in the tender, bidders must submit a sealed envelope containing general information on the company, an attestation that it is not bankrupt, issued by regulatory organizations in the country of origin, proof of financial guarantees, and proof that it is able to supply the product. The companies must also include figures and a forecast of the product’s retail price. Tunisian citizens must also submit the certificate of affiliation with the CNSS (the Tunisian National Social Security Company) and prove that it has paid its taxes.
Companies that meet the criteria and whose specifications are approved will undergo a second stage of the process, during which their pricing will be evaluated. The time, date and place in which the winner will be announced will be informed 10 days in advance by the Tunisian government. Bidders in each of the tenders will be able to submit their bids for either the full or separate batches.
To participate
Companies must submit sealed envelopes with the inscription “AO Nº5/2011 – Purchase of surfin and absolute alcohol” (for the 05/2011 tender) and "AO Nº04/2011 Purchase of phlegm alcohol" to the address:
Mr. Chairman Chief Executive Officer of the “Regie des Alcools”
Rue Export Zl Rades II – 1125 – El Rades Mellaha
BP 266 – Tunis – Tunisia
Further information
Tunisian Embassy in Brasília
Tel.: (+55 61) 3248-7366
Fax: (+55 61) 3248-7355
E-mail: at.brasilia@terra.com.br
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum