São Paulo – The Pompeia neighbourhood unit of Sesc (the Social Service for Trade) is going to teach some art and history from the Arab world in four classes in June. The mini-course in Arab-style mosaic starts on the 8th of June and will take place at Wednesday s from 07:00 pm to 09:30 pm. The technique will be taught by professor Eng Goan, who has already taught other artistic techniques using ceramics objects. This will be the first time in which Arab art is featured at the unit’s ceramics atelier.
According to the coordinator of the Sesc Pompeia creativity workshops, Guilherme Leite Cunha, the mini-course is a good opportunity for those who wish to learn more about Arab art and mosaics. It is also an opportunity to understand the differences between the art of Middle Eastern and North African countries and that of the Byzantine and Roman empires.
“Arab mosaic is characterized by geometrical work, featuring highly colourful tesserae (the pieces of ceramic that comprise the mosaic) that are linked to Moorish architecture,” he says. He highlights that whereas the Roman and Byzantine mosaics depict men and animal, the Arab mosaic tends to depart from these narratives and focus on geometry.
The Moors invaded and dominated the Iberian Peninsula in 711. They remained there for eight centuries, until they were driven away in 1492. The Moor heritage, however, has remained, especially in architecture. The Moorish buildings stand out, most of all, for their geometric mosaics. In some cases, they make references to Allah.
The four classes of the course will be theoretical and practical. The professor will give a brief historical background to contextualize the assembly of the mosaics. Some of the tesserae already exist. Others should be made at the Sesc unit’s ovens. During the course, clay, glass and ceramic enamel tesserae should be used. No fine arts background is required in order to attend. The course is recommended for people aged above 16.
To participate
The mini-course in Arab-style mosaic will have 15 openings, which should be filled on Saturday (4th) by order of arrival, starting at 10:00 am. The course costs 7 Brazilian reals (US$ 4 for trade and service workers affiliated with the Sesc and their dependents), 14 reals (US$ 8 for enrolled users above 60 years old, public school teachers and students) and 28 reals (US$ 17). Sesc Pompeia is located on Rua Clélia, 93. For further information call +55 (11) 3871-7700.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum