São Paulo – The Brazilian capital, Brasília, paid two homages to the Palestinian people on this Wednesday (2nd), marking the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Late in the afternoon, the United Nations Information Centre in Brazil (UNIC Rio) and the Ministry of Foreign Relations inaugurated, at the Itamaraty Palace (of the Brazilian foreign office) the exhibition “The Palestinian Issue and the United Nations,” which shows the organization’s involvement with the Arab country. In the morning, it was the turn of the Federal Senate, which held a solemn act.
The exhibition was attended by the Palestinian ambassador to Brasília, Ibrahim Alzeben, and by the director of UNIC Rio, Giancarlo Summa. The history of the UN’s involvement with the Palestinian people is told using panels with photos and text. The exhibition will remain open to the public up until December 11th.
Senators, representatives and diplomats also paid homage to the Palestinians at the Senate. “Our people express their deepest gratitude for the solidarity and support shown to its fair cause. Such support and solidarity have contributed to strengthen our requests throughout the many decades of fighting injustice, oppression and the Israeli military occupation,” said the Palestinian ambassador in his address.
According to Summa, peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians is possible, an example of which is Brazil. Such coexistence can only come to being, however, once there is justice, and in his opinion, Palestinians have suffered injustice and “disrespect for decades.”
Alzeben also bets on Brazilian support in order to achieve success in establishing a Palestinian state. “We believe Brazil has a role to play in history and in the establishment of the State of Palestine. We trust Brazil,” added the ambassador in his address.
Throughout the world, the UN, by means of its United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (Unwra), caters to 4.7 million people. Initially, the Unwra, which is going on its 60th anniversary, catered to 800,000 Palestinians. According to information from the senate’s news agency (Agência Senado), Summa regretted that a UN agency established for temporary purposes should have to give support to so many people until this day.
The homage in the Senate was held by request of representative Nilson Mourão and senator João Pedro. The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is celebrated every November 29th, the date in which the partition plan for Palestine was passed, in 1947. This year, the date was a Sunday, hence the ceremonies’ taking place today.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum