Agência Brasil*
Brasília – Brazilian exports in the month of September totalled US$ 12.549 billion, whereas purchases of foreign products reached US$ 8.121 billion, generating a balance of US$ 4.428 billion in the month, increasing the accumulated surplus to US$ 34.002 billion. These figures were disclosed by the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade today (02).
There has been an increase of 4.2% when compared to the balance of US$ 32.629 billion in the same period last year and the total goes against all forecasts, by the government and private initiative, that the balance would be around 10% smaller this year, when compared to the record surplus of US$ 44.76 billion obtained last year.
There was, in reality, smaller growth of imports than of exports throughout the year, but the change was milder than imagined. Brazilian sales between January and September totalled US$ 100.713 billion, presenting growth of 16.14% in the year, whereas imports reached US$ 66.711 billion, with growth of 23.33% up to now.
*Translated by Mark Ament