Agência Brasil*
Brasília – The trade balance result (exports minus imports) maintained a good level of growth in the first three working days of May, reaching US$ 545 million, a daily average of US$ 181.66 million. This is little less than in the last week of April, due to the daily average of imports rising 10.28% over the previous month, whereas foreign sales grew just 2.21%.
Exports totalled US$ 1.909 billion between the 2nd and 4th of this month, whereas imports reached US$ 1.364 billion. With this movement, foreign sales in the year have already reached US$ 48.360 billion, or 16.85% more than in the same period in 2006, and purchases reached US$ 34.829 billion (24.26% growth), and the accumulated result for the year is US$ 13.531 billion, 1.54% over the balance registered in the same period in 2006.
*Translated by Mark Ament