Brasília – The Brazilian scientists Marcelo Gleiser and Márcia Barbosa have been elected for the Council of the American Physical Society, a cutting-edge organization in physics studies worldwide. Founded in 1899, the society has over 46,000 associates, publishes 12 magazines, and organizes science meetings.
A professor at the US’ Dartmouth College, Marcelo Gleiser will be the councillor general, and Márcia Barbosa, of Brazil’s Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, will be the international councillor.
He does studies on the intersections between field theory, relativity and cosmology. He is an award-winning scientist and has taken part in panels organized by Nasa, the US space agency. He wrote three books which attempt to popularize physics studies.
Márcia Barbosa studies the thermodynamic behaviour of complex fluids. She is the director of the Physics Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. She is also a member of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the National Council for Science and Technology.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum