São Paulo – One of the leading footwear and fashion accessories fair in Latin America, Couromoda, will open on Monday (17th) to introduce new items by more than 1,000 companies in the industry. Over 70,000 visitors from Brazil and abroad are expected. Deals closed at the event account for up to 30% of annual sales of the industry in the country.
Sectorial organization such as the Brazilian Association of Shoe Manufacturers (Abicalçados) and the Brazilian Association of Industries of Machinery and Equipment for Leather, Footwear and Related Products (Abrameq) are organizing the attendance of international buyers. The Abicalçados, for instance, will bring 15 buyers from Colombia, which is one of the priority markets for the association.
The enterprises exhibiting at Couromoda account for 90% of the Brazilian industry’s output, which is now higher than 85 million pairs a year. The fair is attended by businessmen from the entire leather-shoe production chain of the country, which posts annual revenues of approximately 50 billion reals (US$ 30 billion).
Last year, revenues from shoe exports reached US$ 1.49 billion, an increase of 9.3% over 2009. A total of 142.9 million pairs were shipped, 12.9% more using the same basis of comparison. The Brazilian shoe industry exports to 140 countries.
Among the Arab countries that buy shoes from Brazil, Saudi Arabia imported the equivalent of US$ 13.33 million last year, an increase of 75% over 2009. A total of 1.32 million pairs were shipped, 48% more using the basis of comparison. The United Arab Emirates were the second leading buyer, having imported the equivalent of US$ 12.6 million, a 6.5% decline. The country purchased 794,000 pairs, 38% less than in 2009.
The exhibiting companies at the 38th edition of Couromoda are going to introduce new shoes for women, men and children, fashion accessories, sports items and custom jewellery. The 2011 autumn-winter collection by Capodarte, for instance, is inspired in William Shakespeare’s characters. Its boots combine feminine and masculine, the delicate and the dramatic, the rustic and the modern.
With the themes minimalism, militarism and animal prints, the Jorge Bischoff brand presents shoe models in warm colours and monochromatic items. For children, the Kidy brand brings open, zipperless boots with details in rhinestone and satin. Visitors can check out what’s in new at Couromoda up until Thursday (20th) at the Anhembi Pavilion, in São Paulo. The fair is open to storeowners and businessmen only.
Date: January 17th to 20th
Place: Anhembi Pavilion
Address: Av. Olavo Fontoura, 1,209 – São Paulo
Time: Mondays to Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 08:00 pm
Thursdays: from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Site: www.couromoda.com
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum