Brasília – The minimum wage rate paid to workers after January 1st 2015 will be of R$ 788 (US$ 297). The adjusted rate is of 8.8% in comparison to the current figure of R$ 724 (US$ 273). The new minimum wage was set in a decree signed by president Dilma Rousseff and was issued in this Tuesday’s edition of the Federal Official Gazette.
With the adjustment, the wage now amounts to a daily value of R$ 26.27 (US$ 9.8) and R$ 3.58 (US$ 1.35) per hour. The raise will benefit 48 million people that have their revenues tied to the minimum salary, according to the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socio-Economic Studies (Dieese, in the Portuguese acronym).
The amount of R$ 788 (US$ 297) was included in the budget proposal sent by the Federal Government to Congress. The minimum salary is calculated based in a formula that takes into account the inflation from the previous year and the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of two years before.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani