Brasília – Oil production at national fields reached 2.1 million barrels per day (bpd) in March, an increase of 14.4% in relation to March 2013 and 1.4% in the comparison with the month of February this year. The data are from by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP, in the Portuguese acronym).
Natural gas production reached 83.4 million cubic meters per day in March, setting a new record and surpassing in 0.2% the previous one posted in February, when production reached 83.2 million cubic meters per day. When compared to March last year, gas production increased by 8%.
The data from the ANP show that oil and natural gas production in Brazil amounted to roughly 2.64 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d, oil and gas) in March.
The data also show that production in pre-salt fields surpassed in 2.4% the one from February, amounting to 483,400 boe/d. Oil production reached 395,900 bpd and natural gas, 13.9 million cubic meters per day.
*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça