Brasília – The Ministry of Communications launched this Tuesday (4th) a program to encourage the creation of technological parks in Brazil aimed at new structures for research and labs focused at the development of computer and smartphone software. According to the public notice of the Digital Factory Program, R$ 8 million (US$ 2.29 million) in investments is planned to be divided for the two projects that come out winners in the selection process.
The projects will be implemented through partnerships between federal, state and local governments and the private sector. Together in the same place, the companies will have access to shared cutting-edge resources, equipment and infrastructure. “The Ministry [of Communications] and local governments can help, for instance, with equipment for the approval, content edition and a series of creative equipment. This equipment can be used in a rotational system, to help develop and put these products in the market”, explained the minister of Communications, Ricardo Berzoini after the launching of the public notice.
“This market [of content development for smartphones] has been growing considerably in the world. Brazil already develops a lot and stands out in production, but we want to offer more support to whom has the ability to elaborate, develop, has the creativity but not the means to produce”, he added.
Berzoini pointed out that the profile of these apps cover “everything that could have value” to attract the interest of people from a cultural, commercial standpoint, especially in the audiovisual, musical and sound sectors, as well as apps and electronic games. “We want these apps to be able to fight for the private market, where effectively it’s established if it has value or not. Our support is to make sure that there are infrastructure conditions for people to be able to create. If they can create, clearly they can compete for the market.”
Two projects will be selected in 2015 to receive from the ministry the R$ 4 million (US$ 1.14 million) grants each. From there, partnerships will be established, either with local government or with organizations from the civil society or research institutions.
To participate in Digital Factories, those interested could present their proposals until September 4tth through the Resource Transfer Agreements and Contracts System at In a press release, the ministry reports that the tenderer should present a minimal counterpart of at least 10% of the proposal’s value, subject to the limits established by law for states, Federal District and local government.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani