São Paulo – A delegation from Qatar is in Recife this week to participate in the 30th conference of the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP), which started on Tuesday (15) at Porto Digital, one of the main technological hubs in Brazil. The committee is led by the managing director of Qatar Science and Technology Park (QSTP), Hamad Al-Kuwari. Next year, the IASP conference will be in Qatar. For the first time, an Arab country should receive the event.
Qatar is investing in attracting technology company capital and in the creation of incubators, a centre to bring together micro and small companies, the so-called start-ups, and that offers training and management in their areas of operation. These companies and incubators occupy 45,000 square meters in a free zone at around 20 km from Doha international airport.
Qatar obtains most of its revenues from exploration of gas, trade exchange and state-owned companies, but in recent years has been investing in diversification of its economy. One of the sectors benefited by investment in Qatar is education and technology.
In 2006, the country announced that it would invest 2.8% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) a year in research. The United States, according to the QSTP, invests 0.83% of GDP and the European Union, 0.63%. The technology park in Qatar invests in research in the areas of energy, environment, medical science and information and communications technology. QSTP is participating in the IASP conference, in Recife, with a stand showing its projects for the sector.
This year’s edition presents projects under theme “Science parks shaping new cities”, in which proposals and examples of projects for better living conditions in urban centres are presented. In next year’s edition, projects on technology applied to everyday life will be presented.
The IASP conference this year is taking place at Porto Digital, in Recife, which has been revitalised in recent years and prepared to receive technology companies. Currently, 200 companies are installed in the region. Together, they generate annual revenues of R$ 1 billion and employ approximately 7,000 people. Alongside the conference, the 23rd seminar of the Brazilian Association of Science Parks and Business Incubators should also take place.
30th IASP Conference /23º Anprotec Seminar
Up to October 17
Porto Digital, Recife, PE
Further Information: http://iasp2013brazil.com/?lang=pt#
*Translated by Mark Ament