São Paulo – On May 1, the photo exhibition Vidas Refugiadas (Refugee Lives), which showcases the daily lives of eight refugee women living in Brazil, will open in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The photos in the exhibit are from photographer Victor Moriyama. The show already spent time in São Paulo (report in the link below) and will be open for the month in the Rio de Janeiro capital.
On opening night, a debate will also take place with representatives of Brazil’s branch of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and of Rio de Janeiro Archdiocesan Caritas (Carj). Nkechinyere Jonathan, a Nigerian refugee and one of the women portrayed in the exhibition, will join the debate.
Vidas Refugiadas (Refugee Lives) exhibition
Opening: 1º de maio, às 16 horas
Where: Jardins do Museu da República (Rua do Catete, 153 – Metrô: Catete)
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, from 8 am to 5:30 pm
Admission free
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani