São Paulo – Businessman Rubens Hannun, former president of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC), launched his book Brasil e mundo árabe: Negócios, marketing e diplomacia econômica ampliada [Brazil and the Arab World: Business, Marketing, and Expanded Economic Diplomacy] on Tuesday evening (11). The launch took place at the headquarters of the ABCC in São Paulo, with around 400 attendees, and was followed by a discussion on the future of Brazil’s relationship with Arab countries. Former Brazilian President Michel Temer, who is of Lebanese descent, participated.
A marketing strategist and market researcher, Hannun launched the book through Grupo Novo Século aiming to provide knowledge and inspiration for those seeking to engage or do business with Arab countries. The work offers an overview of the region and its relations with Brazil, covering relevant topics such as the construction of Brazil’s image in the Arab world and vice versa, diplomacy as a tool for relationship-building and negotiation, the Islamic market, and others.
Among the highlights of the book are a series of interviews with entrepreneurs, diplomats, executives, and consultants about their experiences with Arab countries, a reflection on the future of this relationship, and tips to help Brazilians prepare for negotiations with Arabs. “Remember that a B2B relationship is also a social experience. Prepare for it,” is one of the pieces of advice written by Hannun, who is also the honorary consul of Tunisia in São Paulo.
The book launch event aimed to extend the discussion, with experts speaking about the future of Brazil’s relationship with Arab countries in their respective fields. “The purpose of this book is what is happening here: making these already strong relationships—which have so much potential for growth—truly move forward,” said Hannun. According to him, the book also fills a gap in reciprocal information between Brazil and Arab countries. “Information is key. This book also came to bring more information, spark a debate, provide advice, and discuss,” he said.
In this regard, Grazielle Parenti, Vice President at Syngenta, shared a reflection on the positioning of Arab countries in the food industry, investing both in other food-producing countries and locally. “I’ve been working in the food and agribusiness sector for a few years, and it’s one of the sectors where Brazil and the Arab countries collaborate the most,” she said. According to Parenti, Arab countries have stakes in major food companies worldwide through their funds, but they also have plans to develop local agriculture. “There’s also a business opportunity there,” she said, referring to the supply of agricultural technology.
Speaking about tourism, a topic also addressed in Rubens Hannun’s book, Virgílio de Carvalho, Technical Director of the São Paulo State Tourism and Travel Secretariat, discussed the state’s efforts to attract Muslim tourists. The state has already launched a Halal Tourism Guide, which Carvalho says is being updated. According to the director, the São Paulo government aims to make tourism account for 11% of the state’s gross domestic product within two years. Currently, the sector represents 9.4% of the GDP.
Guilherme Quintal, Partner and Head of Global Market at eB Capital, who worked at the Saudi fund PIF and lived in Saudi Arabia, shared the transformation he underwent from the experience. “The relationship should not be transactional—it must be thought of in the medium and long term with sincerity. People in the region as a whole taught me this in a very transformative way—the Arab speaks to you not for what you have but for who you are. This changed my life perspective, how I see business, and how I see everything in life,” he said. He recommended doing business with Arab countries with a bilateral mindset, where something is also offered to them, and not with a unilateral mindset.
Walker Lahmann, Executive Director and Head of Institutional Relations and New Markets at Eurofarma, reflected on the global scenario. “We’ve been in a very interesting moment in recent weeks, with a repolarization of the global political-economic landscape, meaning possibly shifting toward a polarization between the United States and China, and perhaps a great opportunity for the BRICS. Among them, in addition to Brazil, there are three Arab countries—Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia, which belong to the BRICS and can undoubtedly act as catalysts in strengthening the relationship between Brazil and Arab countries,” he said. He sees opportunities for pharmaceuticals in Arab countries that lack significant health industries.
After hearing his guests’ reflections, Hannun said it was a demonstration of the potential of the Brazil-Arab countries relations. “It shows how open Brazil is to this relationship, how much it can add, and how much it can grow, not only for our own benefit in Brazil but also for the benefit of the Arabs,” he said.
Michel Temer
Before the debates, other guests and supporters of the publication spoke. Temer, author of one of the book’s forewords, opened the evening. “Rubens Hannun’s work is very timely because he’s addressing the enhancement of commercial relations but also cultural, emotional, and diplomatic relations between Brazil and the Arab countries,” he described. The writer of the other foreword, the Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Chambers, Khaled Hanafy, sent a recorded video message. “This book is a timely and valuable contribution to our understanding of the dynamic relationship between Brazil and the Arab world,” he said.
Representatives from the book’s cultural supporters also spoke, including from Arab House, ABCC, International Halal Academy, FAMBRAS Halal, Center for Studies on Arab and Islamic Markets, and H2R Trends & Insights. “This historical rescue, enriched with tips and opportunity mapping, is a legacy for future generations,” said FAMBRAS vice president Ali Zoghbi. “In this book, Rubens [Hannun] has masterfully revived his years as director, president, and now advisor of our Chamber,” said Marcelo Sallum, chairman of the ABCC’s Superior Council of Administration. Hannun is a member of the entity’s Board of Guidance and Deliberation.
Alessandra Frisso, executive director of H2R Trends & Insights, member of ABCC Board, and Hannun’s wife, described the book as a symbol of a journey. “A personal journey of Rubens [Hannun], but also a journey of his experience and dedication over many years to research and the Arab world, studying the relations between the two peoples, all the Arab countries, and Brazil,” she said. According to her, the book highlights how important relationships are for building solid foundations for business. Hannun gave a special thank you to Alessandra.
The dean of the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Brazil and Ambassador of Palestine in Brasília, Ibrahim Alzeben, who is one of the interviewees in the book, also spoke at the launch. He said the publication reflects Hannun’s dedication and passion for what he does. “It was his love for his Arabism and his Brazilian identity that motivated him to write this well-planned and thought-out work over many years,” he said.se.
The trophy
The event was hosted by the Marketing Manager of the ABCC, Marina Sarruf, and the debate was led by biographer Elias Awad, who encouraged Hannun to write the book. “Back then I said, Rubens [Hannun], you are starting a race. Up ahead, you’ll see a finish line. You’ve seen the line, and now you’re holding the trophy, so congratulations,” said Awad, who has written more than 30 books, including titles about the careers of major Brazilian entrepreneurs.
The event was also attended by ABCC President William Adib Dib Jr., Secretary-General & International Relations Vice President Mohamad Mourad, Communication and Marketing Vice President Silvia Antibas, Administration Vice President Nahid Chicani, former presidents Osmar Chohfi, Antonio Sarkis Jr., and Salim Schahin, and Board members Sami Roumieh, Renata Maron, Arthur Jafet, and Claudia Yazigi Haddad.
Digital marketing agency Graux, paper company Papirus, Novo Século publishing group, Rosima restaurant, biographer Elias Award, and food company Polico Alimentos also supported the book launch. After the debates and speeches, the attendees were welcomed with a cocktail and had their books signed by the author.
Quick facts:
Book: Brasil e mundo árabe: Negócios, marketing e diplomacia econômica ampliada [Portuguese only]
Author: Rubens Hannun, Novo Século publishing group
Price: BRL 103.92
Where to buy: Amo Ler, the e-commerce platform of Novo Século publishing group