São Paulo – On December 21st, the Commercial Service of the Arab Republic of Egypt is announcing a public external tender for the purchase of railway equipment. According to a statement released by the Egyptian Commercial Office in São Paulo, bids will be accepted from automatic train control equipment suppliers.
Known as ATC, this system automatically controls the intervals between trains and limits train speeds for safety. It is often employed in tandem with other systems, such as automatic operations control.
As per the regulation set forth by the Department of Purchases and Stores of the Egyptian Ministry of Transport, bids must include two separate envelopes. The first must contain the prices and a guarantee deposit. Bidders can pay the price of the tender in cash, in an unconditional letter of guarantee issued by an Egyptian bank in Arabic language or with a certified cheque.
In the second envelope, bidders are to enclose price details and the total offer, among other information. Bidding companies are required to purchase a document in order to participate.
Bids not accompanied by the full amount of the provisional security deposit will be excluded. According to the Egyptian Commercial Office in São Paulo, bids are to be submitted to the Department of Purchases and Stores, at the Railways Building, 5th floor, above Shubra Tunnel, Cairo.
For additional information contact the Commercial Office of the Arab Republic of Egypt in São Paulo
Telephone: +55 (11) 3284-8184
Email: saopaulo@ecs.gov.eg
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum