Rio de Janeiro – The Producer Price Index (PPI), which tracks inflation of prices of goods out of the factory gate, stood at 0.09% in March. The PPI had dropped (deflation) by 0.45% in February and 1.20% in March 2016. The index deflated by 0.05% year-to-date through March, and it saw 2.85% inflation in the 12 months through March.
The data were released this Thursday (27) in Rio de Janeiro by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). In March, prices went up in 17 out of 24 industries tracked, especially extractive industries (3.44%) and ‘other chemical industries’ (1.69%). Prices dropped in seven industries, including oil refinement and ethanol-based products (-3.25%) and foods (-0.77%).
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum