Brasília – The 2015/2016 Brazilian grain crop should amount to 189.3 million tons, down 8.9% from 207.7 million tons in the last season, as per the 10th crop survey of this year, released this Thursday (7) by the National Supply Company (Conab).
Conab said output has increased by 13.5% to 6.28 million tons for wheat and winter crops. Soy output was down 0.7% to 95.6 million tons and maize production shrank by 3.99 million during the season’s first crop and 11.5 million tons in the second crop. Output also declined for other crops, for reasons including weather, issues such as prolonged drought and high temperatures, Conab reported.
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) has also released its 2016 grain crop survey. It sees an 8.4% drop this year from the last one. The discrepancy is due to the fact that the IBGE tracks harvest data from January to December, while Conab works with the crop-year, which ranges from August to July of the following year.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum