Brasília – The production of grains is expected to go up 14.2% in the 2016/2017 crop in Brazil, an increase of 26.5 million tons in comparison to the previous one. The forecast was made public this Thursday (8) by the National Supply Company (Conab) and anticipates a production of 213.1 million tons.
According to Aroldo de Oliveira Neto, superintendent of Agricultural Information at Conab, the main reason behind the increase in production is the expansion of the planted area, which should reach 59.2 million hectares, up 1.4% or 827,000 hectares, in comparison to the 2015/2016 crop.
The planted area of beans increased 13%, with corn and soy going up 3% and 2%, respectively. But since soy is the biggest crop, a slight increase in the planted area generates a significant increase in production. The growth forecast for the production of soy is 7.3% and it could reach 102.45 million tons.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani