Brasília – Brazilian industry’s production and employment numbers ended 2016 in decline, but in a more favorable situation compared to December 2015. The data is part of the Industrial Survey made public this Friday (20) by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI).
According to the survey, the production index reached 40.7 points in the last month of last year, against 47 points in November. Although the index stands below the threshold line of 50 points, which means a decline in production, it stands above the 35.5 points registered in December 2015.
According to CNI, the decline in production in December is typical due to the end of Christmas orders. According to the association, the index of December 2016 is the highest one in four years.
Meanwhile, the employment indicator stood at 44.7 points last month, against 45.8 points in November 2016. The index improved in comparison to the 41.5 points December 2015.
For the industry association, the data from December shows that “the current scenario is still serious.” CNI believes, however, that “the worst might be over.”
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani