Brasília – The financial market’s forecast for the Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) remained at 4.36%. It appeared in the Focus Bulletin, a weekly survey conducted by the Brazilian Central Bank (BC). The forecast for this year’s inflation stands below the target center of 4.5%. For 2018, the estimate also remained unchanged at 4.5%.
The forecast made by financial institutions for the economy’s growth (Gross Domestic Product – GDP) for this year went from 0.48% to 0.49%. For 2018, the market expects 2.39% growth. The forecast made last week was 2.37%. For the financial market, the Selic (benchmark interest rate) will end 2017 at 0.25% and, 2018 at 9%. Currently, the Selic is at 12.25% per year.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani