Brasília – The forecasts on the country’s crop for this year have been following a decline trend in the last few months, with the reduction in both grain production and planted area. The finding is from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and was made public this Thursday (6) in September’s Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production (LSPA).
According to the data, in the ninth 2016 forecast for the cereal, legumes and oilseed national crop the total production should end the year at 183.9 million tons, a decline of 12.3% over the record crop of 2015, which reached 209.6 million tons. In comparison to the institute’s forecast for August, it declined 1.2%. Soy crop is expected to grow 2.8%, while maize and rice will decline 1.3% and 9.7%, respectively.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani