Rio de Janeiro – The industrial output drop in March in Brazil was driven by the state of Santa Catarina, with a 4% drop over February as per seasonally adjusted numbers. The information is from the industry survey Pesquisa Industrial Mensal Produção Física Regional (PIM-PF), issued by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) this Tuesday (9), which breaks down production per region.
Other states with higher-than-average declines in production were Ceará, at -3.1%, Paraná, at -2.9%, Minas Gerais, at -2,8%, and Pará at -2.7%. The average decline in production was -1.8%. States which saw lower-than-average drops in output include São Paulo, at -1.7%, Rio Grande do Sul, at -1.2%, and Espírito Santo at -0.7%. Output remained flat month-on-month in Pernambuco.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum