São Paulo – With 65 collection points around the state of São Paulo, Green Eletron has collected approximately 185 tonnes of electronic waste since the end of 2017. The non-profit that receives devices discarded by consumers was founded in 2016 by the Brazilian Electrical and Electronic Industry Association (Abinee).
So, companies started conforming to Brazilian Solid Waste Policy, an act that came into force in 2017. Among the points stated by it, electronics productive and trade chain and other industries are obligated to establish a reverse logistic system. This means companies become responsible for assuring that the waste generated by their products are properly discarded.
São Paulo got ahead of the rest of the country at implementing the waste collection and reuse. The industry agreement, which is to become an obligatory system all over Brazil, entered in public consultation last Wednesday (31). For a month, the Ministry of Environment will receive contributions before the final draft.
As per its executive manager, Green Eletron’s model is inspired by international experiences. The initiative has 26 member companies. Since the end of 2017, the collection points received 4,100 cell phones and 6,500 electronic devices, among others. The material is taken to recycling companies that reuse the raw materials, such as plastic, and even make them into new products.
Translated by Guilherme Miranda