Brasília – Royal Dutch executives Shell met this Thursday (10) with president Michel Temer in Brasília to disclose details on the USD 10 billion that the multinational plans to invest in Brazil throughout the next four years. According to Ben van Beurden and André Araújo, CEOs Shell and Shell Brasil, respectively, this amount will be allocated primarily to projects associated with Petrobras in the Brazilian pre-salt layer.
“And this includes the portfolio that we acquired with the purchase of [oil company] BG and also the Libra field [Santos basin],” said Ben van Beurden after the meeting. “At the same time we will look for new opportunities, such as the auctions next year and new pre-salt auctions that could come in 2018 and beyond. If there are opportunities, we will look to expand our investments,” he added.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani