Brasília – Grain production in Brazil should reach 210.3 million tons during the 2015/2016 crop. The volume is up 1.3% or 2.6 million tons from 207.7 million the prior crop. The estimates are from the sixth crop survey issued this Thursday (10th) by the National Supply Company (Conab).
The highlight is soy, at 101.2 million tons, up 5 million from the preceding crop.
Also this Thursday, in Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released its second estimate this year for the cereal, oilseed and pulses crop, forecasting 211.3 million tons, up 0.9% from 2015’s all-time high crop.
The IBGE survey covers the calendar year, while Conab’s concerns the crop year. The IBGE’s February forecast is up 0.3% from January. Rice, maize and soy combined account for 92.8% of the production estimate.
Soy production forecast was up 4.9% according to the IBGE, whereas rice and maize forecasts declined.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum