São Paulo – Shopping ABC, a mall in Santo André, in the São Paulo Metro Area, is hosting the event Síria sobre a Mesa (Syria on the Table) at its food club on Saturday (16). The cook Talal Altinawi, a Syrian engineer who’s under refugee status in Brazil, will be running the show. He opened a restaurant via crowdfunding and is becoming increasingly popular in food circles. He has been featured in a number of ANBA reports.
According to the mall’s press office, Altinawi will show people how to cook typical dishes including hummus and falafel. Participants will be welcomed with an afternoon meal of dry curd, pitta bread, olive oil with za’atar and white cheese.
Altinawi will tell his life story and discuss his relationship with the food he cooks, the mall said. Spectators will sample all dishes in the end, along with Damascus juice and lemonade with rose water.
Quick facts
Syria on the Table
Saturday, September 16, 5pm
Price: BRL 120.00. The first 20 registrants get a BRL 30 discount
Seats: 40
Shopping ABC, Avenida Pereira Barreto, 42, Vila Gilda, Santo André, SP
Find out more: http://clubeabcgourmet.com/ (in Portuguese)
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum