São Paulo – The Egyptian musician and dancer Mohamed El Sayed released this month a CD with songs inspired by dancers from five countries, including a Brazilian. Fadua Chuffi from São Paulo had her style used in two tracks of the CD Danzamorphosis, not released in Brazil yet.
“The word morphosis means change and I have been searching for this meaning as an art development and also of my country”, says El Sayed, in reference to the moment of political and social transformations which Egypt is going through.
For his project of creating a work inspired by dancers from several countries, El Sayed was helped by eight dancers. Besides Brazil, dancers from Spain, Colombia, Mexico and Argentina also participated of the Project.
“I have known Fadua for a long time. We had some talks via the internet for her to tell me what she liked, the rhythms, the instruments [which would be used in the songs]”, explains El Sayed. The Egyptian has worked with two composers to create the songs. Overall, there were 20 people involved in the development of the CD, which is 12 tracks long.
Chuffi, who is the granddaughter of Lebanese on her father’s side of the family, says she transmitted to El Sayed her preference for a happier and more upbeat kind of song. “I loved, the result was excellent”, says the dancer on the songs. The tracks inspired by her are the first two of the CD, namely Fadua Chuffi e Chuffi Drum.
The Brazilian dancer has been teaching belly-dance and Arab folklore for over 20 years. According to her, the process of composing her songs took four months.
The album Danzamorphosis has not been released in Brazil yet, but can be ordered by the website www.fadua.pro.br (in Portuguese). Also available from iTunes soon.
*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça