Brasília – The Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC) and the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) have announced, this Wednesday (8), a partnership to support the integration of 500 Brazilian companies into the global market.
They will be a part of the program Global Route, which will offer full consulting services for non-exporting companies to make investments in the international market, with diagnosis, strategy and follow-up.
The goal is to outline a diagnosis of the 500 companies, develop business plans for 200 of them and, at the end of the project, in 2018, have at least 100 businesses with solid export operations. The program was developed by CNI in partnership with the Argentine Industrial Union and the Scientific and Technological Park of Extremadura, Spain.
The investment of BRL 1.2 million (USD 379,000) for the initiative comes from AL-Invest, a program by the European Union to encourage productivity and competitiveness in micro, small and medium-sized businesses in Latin America as a way to fight against poverty and social inequality.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani