São Paulo – The auction of airports in Fortaleza, Salvador, Florianópolis and Porto Alegre, this Thursday morning (16) at the São Paulo stock market BM&FBovespa involves the collection of BRL 1.46 billion (USD 462 million) in minimum bids to be paid in cash upon the signing of the contracts. Throughout the entire concession period, the total amount collected will be BRL 3.72 billion (USD 1.17 billion).
Germany’s Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services placed the winning bids for two airports: Fortaleza (BRL 425 million, or USD 134.5 million, at a premium of 18.5%) and Porto Alegre (BRL 290.5 million, or USD 91.9 million, at a premium of 852.12%). The Salvador airport went to France’s Vici Airports, whose bid was BRL 660.9 million, or USD 209.1 million, at a premium of 113%.
Switzerland’s Zurich International Airport AG will be the Florianópolis airport concessionaire. Its bid was BRL 83.3 million (USD 26.3 million), at a 58% premium.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum