Rio de Janeiro – Brazil’s Electrical Energy Research Center (Cepel), an arm of Eletrobras – launched this Thursday (7) its Ultra-High Voltage Outdoor Laboratory (Laboratório de Ultra-Alta Tensão Externo – Lab-UAT) in Rio de Janeiro’s Baixada Fluminense area. Cepel’s Laboratories and Experimental Research director Orsino Borges Filho said Brazil is now the second country in the world to have a lab of this kind, the first being China.
Studies will be carried out at Lab-UAT for the improvement of Brazil’s transmission system. Orsino Borges said that essentially, the purpose of the facility is to evaluate power line performance and insulation. “This is a laboratory that will serve the purpose of experimental research into ultra-high voltage power lines,” he explained.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum